Examroom - Online Proctoring

 Deploy your own proctoring staff for your exams on your terms.

Are you interested in hiring your own proctors? That's fine! In addition to supporting your current proctors, our platform can offer training and support.



An online remote proctoring solution powered by the web

All users, including administrators and candidates, will be provided with an efficient and streamlined remote proctoring service. We can support single sign-on by using APIs and LTIs to create an automated system that integrates with many LMSs and databases. By providing live person onboarding agents to verify identity and environment scans, we can ensure exam integrity. Live proctoring, AI assisted proctoring or a standalone AI proctoring service are all options.


Analyzing behavior

During exam sessions, ExamRoom updates security measures and AI learning based on analytics.


Report in detail

During exam sessions, AI and live human proctors will notify you about suspicious behavior and incidents.


Integrate seamlessly

Powered by Artificial Intelligence, ExamRoom.AI enables seamless integration with most LMSs and databases.


We provide ready-made content and online proctoring solutions for high-stakes online exams in the exam room.


Relevant Links:

IT Proctoring and Live Proctoring

Hosted Services, Shared Services and Cloud Service

Remote proctoring solutions

Web Based Online Proctoring Solution

Web-Based Proctoring

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